The Philosophy of Naturopathic Medicine
Our approach to your wellness
The philosophy of natural, holistic medicine in general, and the Naturopathic medical profession in particular, is that we all have an innate ability to heal and thrive. This includes our physical, mental & emotional, as well as spiritual health.
Our approach to healing revolves around the concept of establishing the prerequisites for health: give the body and spirit what they need, take away what they don’t need, perhaps stimulate that innate healing ability at times, and trust that Nature will take care of the rest.

The Six Principles of Naturopathic Philosophy
First, Do No Harm
The Healing Power of Nature
Identify & Treat the True Root Cause
Doctor as Teacher
Treat the Whole Person
Prevention is the Best Cure
These are explored in-depth in Dr. Cage’s free eBook,
“Guidebook to Naturopathic Medicine and Natural Health Care for Families”